Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back at School

Thoughts on my first days back at school:

*Getting up at 8am every day: Not liking it...but it does pretty much guarantee that stuff gets done during the day.
*Spanish homework guarantees procrastination. I hate Spanish homework.
*Despite hating Spanish homework, I'm surprised at how much I am able to understand in Spanish class. Maybe this won't be as difficult as I thought...or maybe I'm just in for a surprise.
*Psychology and Christian Heritage look like they'll be really interesting classes.
*Anatomy and Physiology is probably going to be pretty time consuming.
*History could be easy or difficult, it's impossible to tell at this point.
*It's so nice being done by lunch.
*Why do almost all of the psychology and Spanish exams have to be scheduled for the same days?
*I am definitely an ESTJ.
*Yay for having lunch with friends. Because, other than that and swing dance, my social life will pretty much not exist this semester.
*Stephen, Jordan, Taylor, Austin, Anna, Shane, Emma, Michelle. Best friends ever.

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