Thursday, May 21, 2009

Life keeps moving

I took the Myers-Briggs personality test again recently. I got ESTJ again-but instead of having a "strongly expressed" extroverted personality at 90%, I have a "moderately expressed" extroverted personality at 33%. I expected that my E score would be lower, but I didn't expect it would be that low. But I guess after how busy I was this past semester, I shouldn't be surprised. I don't know if this is a permanent change or not. I'm not sure if this is a result of changing places, changing people, growing up, or if I just need a rest.

It looks like the internship with Awana this summer is going to end up working out. I am so amazingly excited about that.

Also looks like taking MIS this summer is going to end up working out without a problem. Just one more little wrinkle to iron out...

Work has started up again. Looking forward to refilling my bank account and getting back my tan.

I'm going to go pick out what I'm going to wear today while listening to Iron and Wine on Pandora. Yes, I know it's almost 4 in the afternoon, don't judge.

And whatever I wear, I'm going to wear the awesome shoes that Michelle gave to me. :)

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